Look, I'm going to be honest here because I think it will be easier for everybody. I don't really like the corporate world. The senseless policies, the bullshitters, hour long meetings that could have easily been handled in an email, it's all very frustrating for me. All I want to do is make big work that has global impact. 

I can be a bit brash. I'm fan of asking for forgiveness later. I just want to do cool shit. That's it. I'm good at what I do.  I'm calm under pressure.  I fight for my teams. I'm willing to say no. It doesn't always go over well, but I do it anyway because, sometimes, it needs to be said. I deliver when it matters. I hate empty enthusiasm. I hate busy work. 

I'm not afraid to take risks. I embrace it. If you're not taking a risk you're not doing anything that matters. I don't drive to work everyday imagining all the ways that I could rationalize the status quo. I'm thinking about how I can get other people to agree to do something crazy. Crazy is where the magic is. Every truly big idea in the history of mankind has been met with incredible resistance, reluctance and reticence. Show me something that 30 people agree on and I'll show you mediocre work. That's the dance. Getting people to agree to things that they aren't totally comfortable with. Building trust, showing results, taking a shot. I'm okay with that. I like to play with matches.